Friday, April 17, 2009


Details! Details!

The Valley Kitten Race - May 2nd - New Haven CT

The Valley Kitten is 40+ miles of city and rural roads, hills and dirty valley riding. A race to remind you how out of shape you let yourself get this winter(fatty!), a race to raise the bar for all other races this season.

Bloody knuckles , bruises and traffic violations are just the beginning, this race will give you bragging right for years to come . . .

Meet time is Noon/noon:30 at that big flag pole/water fountain on the New Haven green (Elm st at Church st)

!!!!!THE RACE STARTS AT 1PM SHARP!!!!!! $5 entry fee**

PRIZES INCLUDE: $200 gift certificate and t-shirts from Lucky Soul Tattoo, a "small" size backpack and Hipsters from A.Able Bags(check back here for sneak peak action), shirts and water bottles from Viva La Bici and a bunch more awesomely random stuff. . .

sponsors include :
Lucky Soul Tattoo - luckysoultattoo​.​com

A.Able Bags - a-​able.​blogspot.​com

Devils Gear Bikes - thedevilsgear.​com

Viva La Bici Clothing -

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